Camp NaNoWriMo, Day 17

This looks nothing like me, I'm using a laptop not a desktop, and her posture is much better than mine.A very brief update tonight because I’m on a roll. I’m in the middle of typing up an idea I got this morning and just now remembered. I meant to write it all day and kept forgetting to do it. Just as I was going to post this update I finally remembered. So I’m going to do that before I forget again, and then I’m going to bed. I’m pooped!

Thank you for reading and I hope your own adventure is exciting and filled with joy. Peace! 🙂

Word count goal for the month: 50K. Nightly: 1,667. Tonight: Over 2K. Total: Over 43K. Woohoo!

About WP

I'm training myself to write fiction. I gave up on training Abby Dawg a long time ago. What will I be posting here? Stuff, nonsense, nonsensical stuff and stuffy nonsense. And eventually some fiction. When I have something at the stage where I can share. :)
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Yo, say sumpin! :)